Cloud Contact Centers Vs. On-Premise Call Centers – What’s Better?

The customer management industry is under a massive transition. Transitioning from traditional calling systems to cloud contact centers is a customer approach strategy that most companies are adopting. If you are wanting to join the bandwagon but aren’t sure if you make the switch, then here’s an analysis that will help you understand the differenceContinue reading “Cloud Contact Centers Vs. On-Premise Call Centers – What’s Better?”

How Do I Choose the Best Contact Center Solutions for My Company?

You’ll certainly begin to shape your call centre deployment plan when you begin your scan, armed with your questionnaire. You’ll reach out to contact centre solutions vendors, who can take you through their offerings. It will all come down to cost if they are answering all of your questions to your satisfaction and their solutionContinue reading “How Do I Choose the Best Contact Center Solutions for My Company?”

The Digital Customer Journey: Understanding the role of the Contact Centre in creating a connected experience

The collection and connection of all the numerous fragments of customer interaction that occur during the purchasing journey is a key component of Contact Centre Cloud Solutions.

Enhance Your Business Operations With Video Calling SDKs

The technology of video conferencing has proved to be a blessing to businesses amid the pandemic. While everyone continues to work remotely/from home, it has become more than important to stay in touch with clients, suppliers, internal teams, partners and customers. Video calling SDK aids businesses in maintaining and strengthening relations and keeping the primeContinue reading “Enhance Your Business Operations With Video Calling SDKs”

Conversational A.I. platforms is simply the best thing to happen to organisations

Conversational A.I. Platform is a canvas for organisations that helps them add features like voice bots, chatbots, Video Conferencing, social media and many other features to communicate with their customers over a single interface. The advantages of such features using a call centre software augurs in creating deep rooted and valuable relationships with customers. InContinue reading “Conversational A.I. platforms is simply the best thing to happen to organisations”

The time to shift to new age contact centre solutions seems to have arrived sooner than we all thought!

2020 was a year of realisations. The pandemic induced large levels of panic amongst organisations to immediately gear up to the new way of working and adjusting to the new normal. Organisations had to make sure that hundreds and hundreds of customer service agents who could not travel to the office had to work fromContinue reading “The time to shift to new age contact centre solutions seems to have arrived sooner than we all thought!”

How are Communications APIs and Conversational IVR integral to customer interaction?

Whether it’s B2C, B2B or C2C, every kind of business has their own lot of customers with whom they should a maintain a good relation. Afterall, customers are crucial to the growth of a company. As a business owner, have you ever wondered how you can better the quality of interaction you have with yourContinue reading “How are Communications APIs and Conversational IVR integral to customer interaction?”

How far are you from becoming a true Next Gen Conversational Enterprise for your customers?

Has a thought ever crept in? What if your organisation could communicate and resolve queries from B2B and B2C customers at a click of a button? Imaginations are not exactly far from reality. How many Companies are aware that time sensitive tasks could be completed 3 times faster using automated / A.I. based conversations? TheContinue reading “How far are you from becoming a true Next Gen Conversational Enterprise for your customers?”

Why Text to Speech matters for Organisations and its Customers

In our busy lives we have gotten used to being constantly on the move. In the midst of the fight for time, the consumer market has gotten used to automation on a complex and basic level as well. While driving, to have an assistant read out their directions, reading out their messages, telling users aboutContinue reading “Why Text to Speech matters for Organisations and its Customers”

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